Ceramic Solution
for 5G and Beyond
We use ceramics to fabricate highly integrated three-dimensional modules.
Our modules implemented by unbaked ceramics are flexible without breaking.
Ultra-high Circuit Boards and Modules
Our company is making ultra-high circuit boards and modules, which are essential for next-generation communications.
CRHM’s Advantages are
•Approximately 30% lower prices than competitors for nearly identical quality
•About 40% faster manufacturing process than competitors
Low Insertion Loss
Our hybrid ceramic-resin substrate shows
low insertion loss behavior, 0.07 dB/mm at 40 GHz,
which means that any RF device
can be manufactured within 40 GHz.

Additive Manufacturing by Inkjet Printing Process
We make circuit boards and modules, which are unbreakable and highly integrated, by using unbaked ceramics. In the fourth industrial revolution, where various smart environments are created by combining 5G communication, IoT ecosystem, and AI technology, low-volume manufacturing of highly integrated and functional modules is required. Additive manufacturing, i.e., 3D stacking technology, which adds only the necessary parts instead of subtractive manufacturing, began to gain attraction recently. This 3D stacking process by inkjet printing can reduce the loss of expensive materials by using them only the place where they are needed. The process is simple and needs relatively low investment and low production cost.

Flexible & Heat Dissipation
Sensor modules used in some smart environments require flexible elements/materials for IoT of moving objects and large input/output of the control unit in 5G communication require good heat dissipation elements/materials. Our modules are flexible and strong against heat because they are made by unbaked ceramics.